PPP / PP / DZ Game Tickets


Catalog #: P101GT

Manufacturer: Indiana Ticket

Orientation: Portrait

Dimensions: 1.16 X 2

Numbering: Black, Numeric, Boxed,

Paper Color: Natural White

Print Color: Red

Front Text: 25th Anniversary, Peter Piper Pizza, The Pizza People Pick!

Back Text:


Catalog #: P102GT


Orientation: Landscape

Dimensions: 1.16 X 2


Paper Color: Natural White

Print Color: Red

Front Text: Peter Piper Pizza, Value: 1 ticket

Back Text:

Pistol Pete's Pizza Tickets


Catalog #: PP101GT

Manufacturer: Globe Ticket Company (C)

Orientation: Landscape

Dimensions: 1.16 X 2

Numbering: Black, Numeric, Counterclockwise Rotation, Boxed, 

Paper Color: Salmon

Print Color: Black

Front Text: Pistol Petes Pizza, Skee Ball, One Coupon

Back Text:


Catalog #: PP102GT

Manufacturer: Globe Ticket Co (C)

Orientation: Landscape

Dimensions: 1.16 X 2

Numbering: Black, Numeric, Counterclockwise Rotation, Boxed,

Paper Color: Salmon

Print Color: Black

Front Text: Pistol Petes Pizza, Skee-Ball, One Coupon

Back Text:


Catalog #: PP103GT

Manufacturer: National Ticket Co.

Orientation: Landscape

Dimensions: 1.16 X 2

Numbering: Black, Numeric, Clockwise, Boxed

Paper Color: Orange

Print Color: Black

Front Text: Pistol Petes Pizza, Skee Ball, One Coupon

Back Text:

Picture courtesy of *big_orange* Please click the link to visit his eBay Store    

Catalog #: PP104GT

Manufacturer: National Ticket Co.

Orientation: Landscape

Dimensions: 1.16 X 2

Numbering: Black, Numeric, Clockwise, Boxed

Paper Color: Light Orange

Print Color: Black

Front Text: Pistol Petes Pizza, Skee-Ball, One Coupon

Back Text:


Catalog #: PP105GT

Manufacturer: National Ticket Co.

Orientation: Landscape

Dimensions: 1.16 X 2

Numbering: Black, Numeric, Clockwise, Boxed

Paper Color: Orange

Print Color: Light Black

Front Text: Pistol Petes Pizza, Skee-Ball, One Coupon

Back Text:


Catalog #: PP106GT

Manufacturer: National Ticket Co.

Orientation: Landscape

Dimensions: 1.16 X 2

Numbering: Black, Numeric, Clockwise, Boxed

Paper Color: Orange

Print Color: Dark Black

Front Text: Pistol Petes Pizza, Skee-Ball, One Coupon

Back Text:

Discovery Zone Tickets


Catalog #: DZ101GT

Manufacturer: National Ticket Co.

Orientation: Landscape

Dimensions: 1.16 X 2

Numbering: Black, Numeric, Clockwise, Boxed

Paper Color: Yellow

Print Color: Red

Front Text: ZO, Discovery, NE

Back Text:

Dean Kinest     e-mail:  overdate1@verizon.net
Copyright © 2024   All rights reserved.
Permission Notice: Permission is granted for you to copy the information on this website for the purpose of cataloging and referencing information on Chuck E Cheese, Showbiz Pizza Place, Peter Piper Pizza, Pistol Pete's and related tokens and tickets. The information and photos may not be used in any other websites, books, magazines, newspapers, or other media without written permission and without referencing the website.
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